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Capital Gains Tax Rate Canada 2024

Proposed Changes to the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate

Tax Fairness and Investment Impact

Increase in Inclusion Rate

The Canadian government has proposed an increase in the capital gains inclusion rate from 50% to 66.67% for individuals with annual capital gains above $250,000. This change will take effect for capital gains realized on or after June 25, 2024.

The capital gains inclusion rate determines the portion of capital gains that is subject to taxation. Currently, individuals only pay tax on 50% of their capital gains up to $250,000 per year. The proposed increase would effectively increase the tax rate on capital gains for individuals above this threshold.

Implications for Investors

The proposed change to the capital gains inclusion rate may have significant implications for investors and taxpayers. Individuals with large capital gains may face higher tax liabilities, potentially reducing their investment returns.

On the other hand, the government has stated that this increase is intended to promote tax fairness, as the current system is seen as benefiting those with significant capital gains. The increase is also expected to generate additional tax revenue that could be used for social programs or other government initiatives.


The proposed increase to the capital gains inclusion rate is a significant change that will affect individuals with significant investment portfolios. The tax implications of this change should be carefully considered before making any investment decisions. Investors should consult with a financial advisor to understand how the proposed changes may impact their overall financial plans and investment strategies.
